If you are looking to improve your credit, check out these 6 helpful tips!
1. Request your credit report - Thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act you are able to get one free credit report a year without any strings attached. But be careful, each additional report costs you money and can negatively affect your credit score.
Your credit score is composed by three different credit consumer bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. It is important to know your score for several reasons. The first and most important is to monitor your credit for fraud and reporting any financial activities that you did not do. The second step is to check each report for errors and to report them to the respective bureau and have them fixed. The final reason is for personal knowledge of your score. If you are looking to improve your credit you need to know where you stand.
1. Request your credit report - Thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act you are able to get one free credit report a year without any strings attached. But be careful, each additional report costs you money and can negatively affect your credit score.
Your credit score is composed by three different credit consumer bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. It is important to know your score for several reasons. The first and most important is to monitor your credit for fraud and reporting any financial activities that you did not do. The second step is to check each report for errors and to report them to the respective bureau and have them fixed. The final reason is for personal knowledge of your score. If you are looking to improve your credit you need to know where you stand.